I love the Olsen twins. They are a constant source of inspiration. I absolutely adore their style, their CLOTHING LINES, and the fact that, although in the spotlight since the age of 6 months, they have managed to avoid going down that train wreck path that seems to find so many young stars. I can't explain exactly why or how, I just love them. Here are a few of my favorite photos and outfits from the twins....MK is my favorite of the two, I relate more to her bag lady mismatch.......If I could chose a celebrity closet to raid, it would be hers.
I have recently started a new job......actually it's not just a new job, it happens to be a new job at a hotel that isn't even open yet. I don't know how many of you have ever been involved in the opening of a new venue...it's hectic to say the least, and opening a brand new HOTEL is nuts. I am working my butt off, going in as the sun is coming up, going home long after the sun has set, and I'm loving every minute of it. This evening's post is dedicated to sunshine, outdoors, and the beauty that is the beautiful bright sky. Hopefully I work the winter away and will finally enjoy some much needed time off just in time for sundress weather......I hope you enjoy
I love animals....all different kinds of animals, big and small. I will cuddle and kiss and squeeze the shit out of any furry creature that I can get my paws on....haha pun intended. More specifically I love cats, I have ever since I was a little girl. As luck would have it I am preeeeetty allergic to them. Wompwomp...when I was a kid I used to rub my face all over my aunt's cats and I would go home with puffy, watering eyes, swollen scratches all over my arms, insane sneezes and a general flu-like feeling, but I didn't care. I loved me some kittens. Allergies can't hold me back and I am currently the proud owner of 2 cats. I have become pretty immune to their dander and know it's time to vacuum the house when i start getting watery and sneezy. These little furry family members are named Penelope, or as we like to call her Penny Peep because she doesn't really meow as much as she does squeak. The other cat is named Hoon the Goon after the late great Shannon Hoon of Blind Melon....yes, Blind Melon-they are amazing, listen to the album Soup then pass judgement. Anyway, I am convinced that Hoon has a human soul. I am 110% positive that, although in this life he is a furry feline, he has been a shit ton more than just a cat. He is the smartest cat I have ever met in my life. Not only that but Hoon eats EVERYTHING, things that normal pets just don't eat, like avocado, jello, pasta, beans...the list goes on and on. He also has soul behind his big orange eyes, and when he looks at you he doesn't just look at you with that blank, sweet cat stare. He sees into your soul....I'm telling you this cat is deep. Princess P.....not so much. So today, I hope to pass on a little love and a little joy in the form of cat pictures and VIDEOS!!!! I could sit and watch cat videos all day, no joke. Here are some of my favorites and some pictures of my kiiiittteeeeennnnnsss.....
A quick post.....this song is old, and so is the video but it's still one of my all time favorite music videos. These dudes are for real....and they rule. I want to be part of a Japanese dance gang....
Happy Sunday inter web dwellers. I wanted to share with you my weekend adventure. I got to spend an evening with Carla Taylor, a dear friend and soul sister. I don't get to hang out with Carla as often as I'd like, and we email and text frequently but every time we get together it's like no time has passed at all. Whether it's been a month or a year since we've seen each other, we always pick right back up where we left off. Carla is amazing.....she is a blogger, an artist, a jewelry designer, photographer and all around cool cat. I wish that I had as much creativity and expression as she has, their whole family seems to be this freak brood of super talented individuals. And I always know that every time I hang out with Carla things never go as planned, which is fine by me, it's always a welcomed adventure. For this particular excursion we decided to go to Emergency Arts in downtown Las Vegas. We drank, explored the building and all the little galleries, stores and neat spaces.....there were phantom photo booth pictures, shots, stoop sitting and we even tagged a little....well, a lot but whatever...don't be a judger. It was an amazing night. If you live in or plan to visit Vegas you should DEFINITELY check outEmergency Arts, it's a pretty neat place......also take a look at Carla here and here......and now, our evening shared in photos.