People underestimate the power of a hug. You never really know if those around you realize how much they really mean to you, and you could wake up one day to find that they aren't there anymore. Life is unexpected, short and not to be wasted. As we get older some of have a shift in priorities, a change in what makes us smile and we have a deeper appreciation for those we choose to share these moments with. I make sure I tell every person I love, just how much I love them. I'm not afraid of the word. And I hug EVERYONE; people i meet for the first time, family members and each and every friend as I greet them, and leave them. Some don't realize the power a hug holds. It's one soul touching another, giving it a warm fuzzy squeeze. And a hug can say so many different things;
I'll miss you
I love you
You mean so much to me
I'm here if you need me
I'm sorry
I know how you feel
so on, so forth.........have you hugged someone today? An ode to hugs.